Minggu, 11 Desember 2011
Selasa, 06 Desember 2011
Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
1. Wet Steam Sterilization
2. Sterilization dry Warming
Using an autoclave, in principle, sterilization autoclave uses heat and pressure of water vapor. Temperature sterilasi typically 121 C, the pressure normally used between 15 to 17.5 psi (pounds per square inch) or 1 atm. The duration of sterilization depends on the volume and type. The tools and sterilized water for 1 hour, but the media between 20-40 minutes depending on the volume of material sterilized. Sterilization of media for too long causes:
1. The decomposition of sugar
1. The decomposition of sugar
2. Degradation of vitamins and amino acids.
3. Inactivation cytokinin zeatin riboside.
4. PH changes for berakibatkan depolymerization
3. Inactivation cytokinin zeatin riboside.
4. PH changes for berakibatkan depolymerization
Autoclave portable gas or electricity in general use steam from the heating source of water is added into the autoclave, while the large autoclave at commercial laboratories typically use steam from a central boiler.
Parts of the autoclave:
1. Pan out.
2. Pan in place put the bottle with grooves where the steam channel.
3. Close the bookmark along with pressure and steam lines.
4. Vaporization valve.
5. Lockout or clamps
Parts of the autoclave:
1. Pan out.
2. Pan in place put the bottle with grooves where the steam channel.
3. Close the bookmark along with pressure and steam lines.
4. Vaporization valve.
5. Lockout or clamps
The weakness of this autoclave is that the necessary safeguards and heat settings manually, during the sterilization done. But this autoclave has advantages: simple, relatively cheap price, irrespective of the flow of electricity is often a problem for countries that are developing, as well as faster than the electric autoclave size and similar.
Autoclave which is more comprehensive use of energy sources of electricity. Appliance is equipped with a timer and thermostat. If the automatic regulator is going well. Then the autoclave can be run while doing other work. The downside is that if one regulator is not working, then the preparatory work the media to be in vain and possibly cause total failure of the autoclave. As a source of steam, also derived from water that is added into the autoclave and bring to a boil
Autoclave which is more comprehensive use of energy sources of electricity. Appliance is equipped with a timer and thermostat. If the automatic regulator is going well. Then the autoclave can be run while doing other work. The downside is that if one regulator is not working, then the preparatory work the media to be in vain and possibly cause total failure of the autoclave. As a source of steam, also derived from water that is added into the autoclave and bring to a boil
Portable Media use autoclave sterilization
(Warm-use of fire)
1. Fill outer pan with water, if possible with distilled water to avoid precipitation of Ca commonly found in tap water, 1 liter to a small autoclave, and 1.5 liters for large autoclave.
2. Bottles of media to be sterilized, is inserted into the panel-in. Arrange the bottles until it reaches the surface of the panel.
3. Set the pan position with respect to the flow channel where steam is present in the surface of the pot lid and the outer circle
(Warm-use of fire)
1. Fill outer pan with water, if possible with distilled water to avoid precipitation of Ca commonly found in tap water, 1 liter to a small autoclave, and 1.5 liters for large autoclave.
2. Bottles of media to be sterilized, is inserted into the panel-in. Arrange the bottles until it reaches the surface of the panel.
3. Set the pan position with respect to the flow channel where steam is present in the surface of the pot lid and the outer circle
4. Cover tightly. (Tighten the lock without using tools)
5. Let the steam valve is open expenditure.
6. Place the autoclave on the gas stove or a Bunsen burner.
7. Heat to boiling water in an autoclave and steam coming out of valve steam expenditure.
8. Let the steam out for 5 minutes (minimum), to remove the air out of air trapped in the autoclave.
9. Close the steam valve expenditure.
10. Observe the increase of temperature and pressure.
11. Once the pressure reaches 15 psi, fire stove understated.
12. Keep the pressure of 15 psi this situation by adjusting the size of the burner manually. During sterilization, do not leave the autoclave and the other room doing other things, because the pressure can be increased up to cross the line. This situation is dangerous and can cause damage to equipment.
13. After the sterilization time is reached, turn off the stove fire.
14. Steam released a little bit by adjusting the steam valve expenditure (open a little).Never open the valve and let the steam out at once. This causes the media or the water bubble up
15. After the pressure drops to 0, open the lock and remove the pan containing the media
5. Let the steam valve is open expenditure.
6. Place the autoclave on the gas stove or a Bunsen burner.
7. Heat to boiling water in an autoclave and steam coming out of valve steam expenditure.
8. Let the steam out for 5 minutes (minimum), to remove the air out of air trapped in the autoclave.
9. Close the steam valve expenditure.
10. Observe the increase of temperature and pressure.
11. Once the pressure reaches 15 psi, fire stove understated.
12. Keep the pressure of 15 psi this situation by adjusting the size of the burner manually. During sterilization, do not leave the autoclave and the other room doing other things, because the pressure can be increased up to cross the line. This situation is dangerous and can cause damage to equipment.
13. After the sterilization time is reached, turn off the stove fire.
14. Steam released a little bit by adjusting the steam valve expenditure (open a little).Never open the valve and let the steam out at once. This causes the media or the water bubble up
15. After the pressure drops to 0, open the lock and remove the pan containing the media
For culture media that do not contain ingredients that Heat-labile, sterilization is done by autoclave at a temperature of 121oC, pressure between 15 psi or 1 atm with a time between 20-25 minutes depending on the volume of container and the volume of media.To 15-50 ml of medium in test tubes or small sized bottles 50-100 ml, sterilization performed at a pressure of 15 psi with a time of 20 minutes. For the 20 bottles of 1 liter volume requires a longer time to 34 minutes, 10 bottles of 2 liters volume takes 37 minutes, 5 bottles of 4 liters of time spent on 52 minutes. With a longer time. In distilled water and sterilizing the media, after sterilization the desired time is reached, the autoclave pressure should not be reduced abruptly. When the pressure is suddenly reduced, the liquid inside boils and bubbles (bubbled up).
For materials that heat-labile in the form of solutions, sterilization performed by filtering the solution through a filter that has a pore size um 0:20 to 0:22. The diameter of the filters vary depending on the volume of solution to be sterilized. For the solution volume 10 ml, used filters mounted on the tip of a syringe. Materials are heat labile, among others: GA3, Thiamin-HCL, Ca-panthothenate, Antibiotics: carbenocilin.
For materials that heat-labile in the form of solutions, sterilization performed by filtering the solution through a filter that has a pore size um 0:20 to 0:22. The diameter of the filters vary depending on the volume of solution to be sterilized. For the solution volume 10 ml, used filters mounted on the tip of a syringe. Materials are heat labile, among others: GA3, Thiamin-HCL, Ca-panthothenate, Antibiotics: carbenocilin.
Sterilization Equipment Culture
1. Clean bottles were given a few drops of distilled water and cover with paper or aluminu
1. Clean bottles were given a few drops of distilled water and cover with paper or aluminu
aluminum foil (not too tight when using the al-foil). For the bottles that have a lid that autoclaveable, do not close too fast, because the expansion occurred during heating.
2. The tools need to be sterilized before planting are: tweezers, scissors, scalpel handles, filter paper, petri-dish, empty bottles, needles and pipettes.
3. The tools and filter paper carefully wrapped with thick paper or placed in a stainless steel tray and the tray is wrapped with thick cloth before it is inserted in an autoclave.Aluminum foil is not recommended as a wrap, as moisture can not enter into the bundle. Sektio tools such as tweezers, scissors, scalpel handles, and the needle, wrapped in paper or a paper coffee straw. Avoid the use of Al-foil as moisture is difficult to get into the package so that sterilization is less effective.
4. Petri-dish will be sterilized, also wrapped in paper or a paper coffee straw.
5. The temperature used for sterilization of the culture bottle is empty and the tools that will be used to plant explants, is 121o C at a pressure of 15 psi (pounds per square inch) or 1 atm for 30-60 minutes. Sterilization timing begins after the desired pressure and temperature is reached.
The tools used when planting, must be in sterile condition. Metal tools and glass can be sterilized in an autoclave. Cropping tool such as tweezers and scissors can also be sterilized by burning or by heating in bacticinerator. Especially for the scalpel, the handle can be sterilized by heating, but the blade (blade) can be blunt when heated in high temperatures. Therefore, for the way the blade is recommended sterilization by immersion in alcohol or chlorine solution.
2. The tools need to be sterilized before planting are: tweezers, scissors, scalpel handles, filter paper, petri-dish, empty bottles, needles and pipettes.
3. The tools and filter paper carefully wrapped with thick paper or placed in a stainless steel tray and the tray is wrapped with thick cloth before it is inserted in an autoclave.Aluminum foil is not recommended as a wrap, as moisture can not enter into the bundle. Sektio tools such as tweezers, scissors, scalpel handles, and the needle, wrapped in paper or a paper coffee straw. Avoid the use of Al-foil as moisture is difficult to get into the package so that sterilization is less effective.
4. Petri-dish will be sterilized, also wrapped in paper or a paper coffee straw.
5. The temperature used for sterilization of the culture bottle is empty and the tools that will be used to plant explants, is 121o C at a pressure of 15 psi (pounds per square inch) or 1 atm for 30-60 minutes. Sterilization timing begins after the desired pressure and temperature is reached.
The tools used when planting, must be in sterile condition. Metal tools and glass can be sterilized in an autoclave. Cropping tool such as tweezers and scissors can also be sterilized by burning or by heating in bacticinerator. Especially for the scalpel, the handle can be sterilized by heating, but the blade (blade) can be blunt when heated in high temperatures. Therefore, for the way the blade is recommended sterilization by immersion in alcohol or chlorine solution.
2. Autoklaf
Autoclave yaitu alat untuk mensterilkan berbagai macam alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam mikrobiologi menggunakan uap air panas bertekanan. Tekanan yang digunakan pada umumnya 15 Psi atau sekitar 2 atm dan dengan suhu 121oC (250oF). Jadi tekanan yang bekerja ke seluruh permukaan benda adalah 15 pon tiap inchi2 (15 Psi = 15pounds per square inch). Medium yang akan disterilkan ditempatkan di dalam autoclave selama 15-20 menit, hal ini bergantung pada banyak sedikitnya barang yang perlu disterilkan. Medium yang akan disterilkan ditempatkan dalam beberapa botol yang agak kecil daripada dikumpul dalam satu botol yang besar. Setelah pintu autoclave ditutup rapat, barulah kran pada pipa uap dibuka dan temperatur akan terus-menerus naik sampai 121oC (Dwidjoseputro, 1990)
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1. Tombol pengatur waktu mundur (timer)
2. Katup pengeluaran uap
3. pengukur tekanan
4. kelep pengaman
5. Tombol on-off
6. Termometer
7. Lempeng sumber panas
8. Aquades (dH2O)
9. Sekrup pengaman
10. batas penambahan air
Cara menggunakan autoclave:
a. Sebelum melakukan sterilisasi cek dahulu banyaknya air dalam autoklaf. Jika air kurang dari batas yang ditentukan, maka dapat ditambah air sampai batas tersebut.Gunakan air hasil destilasi, untuk menghindari terbentuknya kerak dan karat.
b. Masukkan peralatan dan bahan. Jika mensterilisasi botol beretutup ulir, maka tutup harus dikendorkan.
c. Tutup autoklaf dengan rapat lalu kencangkan baut pengaman agar tidak ada uap yang keluar dari bibir autoklaf. Klep pengaman jangan dikencangkan terlebih dahulu.
d. Nyalakan autoklaf, diatur timer dengan waktu minimal 15 menit pada suhu 121oC.
e. Tunggu samapai air mendidih sehingga uapnya memenuhi kompartemen autoklaf dan terdesak keluar dari klep pengaman. Kemudian klep pengaman ditutup (dikencangkan) dan tunggu sampai selesai. Penghitungan waktu 15’ dimulai sejak tekanan mencapai 2 atm.
f. Jika alarm tanda selesai berbunyi, maka tunggu tekanan dalam kompartemen turun hingga sama dengan tekanan udara di lingkungan (jarum pada preisure gauge menunjuk ke angka nol). Kemudian klep-klep pengaman dibuka dan keluarkan isi autoklaf dengan hati-hati
Autoclave is a means to sterilize a variety of tools and materials used in microbiology using pressurized hot water vapor. The pressure used was 15 psi, or about 2 atm and a temperature of 121oC (250oF). So the pressure that work to the entire surface of the object is 15 pounds per inchi2 (15 Psi = 15pounds per square inch). Medium to be sterilized are placed in the autoclave for 15-20 minutes, this depends on the extent of goods that need to be sterilized. Medium to be sterilized are placed in several small bottles rather than collected in a bottle that big. After the autoclave door is closed tightly, then opened the steam valve on the pipe and the temperature will continue to rise until 121oC
Diagram of vertical autoclave
1. Key regulator timer (timer)
2. Valve vaporescence
3. pressure gauge
4. safety valve
5. The on-off
6. Thermometer
7. Plate heat sources
8. Aquades (dH2O)
9. Security Screws
10. limit the addition of water
How to use an autoclave:
a. Before performing the first check number of water sterilization in an autoclave. If water is less than the specified limit, then the water can be added to the distilled water tersebut. Used limit, to avoid the formation of crust and rust.
b. Enter the equipment and materials. When sterilizing bottles beretutup threaded, then the lid should be relaxed.
c. Close the autoclave with a safety meeting and tighten the bolt so that no steam coming out of the lips autoclave. Safety valves do not be tightened first.
1. Key regulator timer (timer)
2. Valve vaporescence
3. pressure gauge
4. safety valve
5. The on-off
6. Thermometer
7. Plate heat sources
8. Aquades (dH2O)
9. Security Screws
10. limit the addition of water
How to use an autoclave:
a. Before performing the first check number of water sterilization in an autoclave. If water is less than the specified limit, then the water can be added to the distilled water tersebut. Used limit, to avoid the formation of crust and rust.
b. Enter the equipment and materials. When sterilizing bottles beretutup threaded, then the lid should be relaxed.
c. Close the autoclave with a safety meeting and tighten the bolt so that no steam coming out of the lips autoclave. Safety valves do not be tightened first.
d. Turn on the autoclave, set the timer with a minimum of 15 minutes at a temperature of 121oC.
e. Wait samapai boiling water so the steam meets the autoclave compartment and pushed out of a safety valve. Then the safety valve is closed (tightened) and wait until the end. Calculation of time 15 'starting from the pressure reached 2 atm.
f. If alarm signal sounds finished, then wait until the pressure in the compartment down the same air pressure in the environment (in preisure gauge needle points to zero).Then the safety valves open and remove the contents of the autoclave with caution
e. Wait samapai boiling water so the steam meets the autoclave compartment and pushed out of a safety valve. Then the safety valve is closed (tightened) and wait until the end. Calculation of time 15 'starting from the pressure reached 2 atm.
f. If alarm signal sounds finished, then wait until the pressure in the compartment down the same air pressure in the environment (in preisure gauge needle points to zero).Then the safety valves open and remove the contents of the autoclave with caution
sejarah UP II Pertamina-Dumai, Riau
Lokasi UP II berada di Kabupaten Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau. Kilang Dumai persisnya terletak di tepi Selat Rupat, sebelah Timur Kota Dumai. Mulai dibangun pada tahun 1969 (CDU) oleh Kontraktor Jepang, Ishikawajima Harima Industries Co. Peresmian pengoperasian kompleks kilang seluas 360 hektare ini dilakukan oleh Presiden Soeharto, 8 September 1971. Selanjutnya pada tahun itu dibangun dua Unit Proses, yaitu Naptha Rerun Unit dan Hydrocarbon Platforming Unit. Dua unit ini selesai dan dioperasikan tahun 1973.
Kilang UP II Dumai memiliki 14 unit proses produksi pengolahan dan dua unit penunjang proses produksi. Kilang minyak UP II Dumai terdiri atas kilang lama (Existing Plant) dan kilang baru (New Plant). Existing Plant terdiri atas 3 unit proses, yaitu Topping Unit/Crude Distilling Unit (CDU), Naptha Rerun Unit (NRU), dan Hydrobon Platforming Unit (Platforming I). New Plant (Hydrocracker Complex) merupakan perluasan dari Existing Plant yang dibangun pada tahun 1981. Pengoperasiannya diresmikan oleh Presiden Soeharto, 16 Februari 1984. New Plant terdiri atas 11 unit proses produksi, yaitu High Vacuum Unit (HVU), Delayed Coking Unit (DCU), Hydrocracking Unit (HCU), Naptha Hydrotreating Unit (NHDtU), CCR Platforming Unit, Destillate Hydrotreating Unit (DHDtU), Amine & LPG Recovery Unit, Hydrogent Plant, Nitrogen Plant, dan Sour Water System Plant. Sedangkan dua unit penunjang produksi adalah Instalasi Tanki dan Pengapalan dan Utilities Unit.
Sementara itu Kilang Sei Pakning terletak di tepi pantai Sungai Pakning dengan areal seluas 40 hektare. Kilang minyak ini dibangun pada November 1968 oleh Kontraktor Refican Ltd. (Refining Associates Canada Limited). Selesai dibangun dan mulai berproduksi pada bulan Desember 1969. Pada awal beroperasi kapasitas produksi 25.000 barel per hari. Pada September 1975 seluruh operasi Kilang Sei Pakning beralih dari Refican kepada Pertamina.
Selanjutnya kilang ini mulai mengalami penyempurnaan secara bertahap sehingga kapasitas produksinya dapat lebih ditingkatkan. Pada akhir 1977 kapasitas produksi meningkat menjadi 35.000 barel per hari dan April 1980 naik menjadi 40 barel per hari. Kemudian mulai 1982 kapasitas produksi sesuai dengan design, yaitu 50.000 barel per hari. Bagian operasi Kilang Sungai Pakning terdiri atas: CDU, ITP (Instalasi Tanki dan Pengapalan), utilities, dan laboratorium.
ITP di Kilang Sei Pakning adalah untuk menangani pengoperasian tangki crude dan produk. Juga untuk proses loading (muat) dan unloading (bongkar) minyak mentah atau produk. Selain itu, pengelolaan separator (penampung sementara buangan minyak). Fasilitias utilities di Kilang Sei Pakning mengelola water treatment plant (WTP) Sejangat dan Water Intake Sungai Dayang. Selain itu pengoperasian boiler (penghasil steam), pengoperasian WDcP (Water Decoloring Plant) dan RO (Reverse Osmosis). Juga pengoperasian Power Plant (pembangkit listrik) dan pengoperasian udara kempa (compression air).
laporan praktikum satuan proses 1
I. Tujuan Percobaan
Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu :
1. Melakukan proses pengkristalisasian dengan menggunakan asam benzoate dengan baik dan benar.
2. Melakukan proses penyublimasi dengan menggunakan kamfer.
II. Alat dan Bahan
II.1. Alat yang digunakan
1. Gelas kimia 250 ml : 1 buah
2. Gelas ukur 100 ml : 1 buah
3. Spatula : 1 buah
4. Kertas timbang : 1 buah
5. Corong Buchner : 1 buah
6. Neraca analitik : 1 buah
7. Hot plate : 1 buah
8. Pengaduk : 1 buah
9. Kertas saring : 2 buah
10. Cawan : 1 buah
II.2. Bahan yang digunakan
1. Asam Benzoat : 5 gr
2. Kapur Barus ( kamfer) : 1 buah
3. Aquadest : secukupnya
III. Dasar Teori
A. Kristalisasi
Rekristalisasi adalah suatu metode untuk pemurnian senyawaan padatan yang dihasilkan dari reaksi-reaksi organic. Kristalisasi adalah proses pembentukan bahan padat dari pengendapan larutan yang bertujuan untuk memurnikan suatu zat. Pemisahan dengan teknik Kristalisasi didasari atas pelepasan pelarut dari zat terlarutnya. Proses ini adalah salah satu teknik pemisahan padat cair yang sangat penting dalam industry, karena dapat menghasilkan kemurnian produk mencapai 100 %. Contoh proses kristalisasi yaitu pada proses pengkristalan garam dan gula.
Metode rekristalisasi melibatkan 5 tahapan :
1. Pemilihan pelarut
Pelarut yang terbaik adalah pelarut dimana senyawa yang dimurnikan hanya larut sedikit pada suhu kamar tetapi sangat larut pada suhu yang lenih tinggi, misalnya pada titik didih pelarut itu. Pelarut itu harus melarutkan secara mudah pengotor-pengotor dan harus mudah menguap, sehingga dapat dipisahkan secara mudah dari materi yang dimurnikan. Titik didih pelarut harus lebih rendah dari titik leleh padatab untuk mencegah pembentukan minyak. Pelarut tidak boleh bereaksi denagn zat yang akan dimurnikan dan harus murah harganya.
2. Kelarutan senyawa padat dalam pelarut panas
Padatan yang akan dimurnikan dilarutkan dalam sejumlah minimum pelarut panas dalam labu Erlenmeyer. Pada titik didihnya, sedikit pelarut ditambahkan sampai terlihat bahwa tidak ada tambahan materi yang larut lagi. Hindari penambahan berlebih.
3. Penyaringan larutan
Larutan jenuh masih panas kemudian disaring melalui kertas saring yang ditempatkan dalam suatu corong saring.
4. Kristalisasi
Filtrate panas kemudian dibiarkan dingin dalam gelas kimia. Zat padat murni memisahkan sebagai Kristal. Kristalisasi sempurna jika Kristal yang terbentuk banyak. Jika kristalisasi tidak terbentuk selama pendinginan filtrate dalam waktu cukup lama maka larutan harus dibuat lewat jenuh.
5. Pemisahan dan pengeringan Kristal
Kristal dipisahkan dari larutan induk dengan penyaringan. Penyaringan umumnya dilakukan di bawah tekanan menggunakan corong Buchner. Bila larutan induk sudah keluar, Kristal dicuci dengan pelarut dongin murni untuk menghilangkan kotoran yang menempel. Kristal kemudian dikeringkan dengan menekan kertas saring atau di salam oven, desikator vakum atau piston pengeringan.
B. Sublimasi
Jika jumlah Kristal sedikit stabil terhadap panas maka proses pemurnian dapat dilakukan dengan cara sublimasi. Sublimasi adalah suatu proses dimana zat-zat tertentu bila dipanaskan secara langsung berubah dari bentuk padat menjadi uap tanpa meleleh. Uap tersebut bila didinginkan akan kembali menjadi zat padat.
Dengan sublimasi dapat dipisahkan padatan volatile dari non volatile, contohnya kamfer, asam benzoate dan lain-lain. Sublimasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Mallory Sublimator atau juga bisa menggunakan alat sederhana.
Kapur barus dapat diproduksi dari alfa-pinene , yang berlimpah dalam minyak pohon konifer dan dapat disuling dari terpentin diproduksi sebagai produk samping dari pulping kimia . Dengan asam asetat sebagai pelarut dan dengan katalisis oleh asam kuat, alfa-pinene mudah menata kembali ke camphene , yang pada gilirannya mengalami Wagner-Meerwein penataan ke dalam kation isobornyl, yang ditangkap oleh asetat untuk memberikan asetat isobornyl . Hidrolisis ke isoborneol diikuti oleh oksidasi memberikan kamper.
IV. Prosedur Percobaan
a. Kristalisasi Asam Benzoat
1. Memasukkan asam benzoate 5 gr kedalam gelas kimia 100 ml
2. Menambahkan air panas sedikit demi sedikit sehingga asam benzoate larut.
3. Menyaring asam benzoate dengan menggunakan penyaring vakum
4. Membiarkan filtrate pada suhu kamar
5. Menimbang Kristal yang diperoleh
b. Sublimasi kamfer
1. Menyimpan Kristal kamfer (kapur barus) di dalam cawan penguap
2. Menyiapkan corong dimana dibagian ujungnya disumbat dengan glass wool
3. Menutup cawan dengan kertas saring, meletakkan corong pada posisi terbalik.
4. Memanaskan Kristal diatas penangas pasir, sublimat akan menempel di bagian pinggir corong.
V. Data Pengamatan
a. Kristalisasi asam benzoat
No. | Perlakuan | Pengamatan |
1. | 5 gr asam benzoate + air panas | Air panas ditambahkan sedikit demi sedikit ke asam benzoate sampai larut. |
2. | Menyaring larutan no.1 dengan penyaring vakum. | Larutan asam benzoate disaring sampai hanya meninggalkan Kristal-kristalnya saja |
3. | Membiarkan filtrate pada suhu kamar | Tampak Kristal putih bening |
4. | Menimbang Kristal yang didapat | Di dapatkan Kristal sebanyak 3,51 gr |
b. Sublimasi kamfer
Perlakuan | Pengamatan |
Kapur barus yang telah disimpan di dalam cawan, dipanaskan dengan penangas pasir. Cawan ditutup dengan kertas saring disumbat dengan glass wool di bagian ujungnya. Pemanasan dilakukan sampai kapur barus tersublimasi semua. | Proses pemanasan ± 1 jam di dapatkan kapur barus habis dan kristalnya menempel di kertas saring. Berat kertas saring = 0,17 gr Berat Kristal + kertas saring = 0,19 gr Maka didapatkan berat Kristal sebanyak 0,02 gr. |
VI. Analisa Percobaan
Pada percobaan kristalisasi dan sublimasi yang telah dilakukan oleh kelompok kami dapat dianalisa bahwa pada saat pencampuran asam benzoate dengan air panas, asam benzoate tidak terlalu larut sehingga masih membentuk gumpalan dan endapan putih di bagian bawah. Selanjutnya setelah disaring dengan menggunakan penyaring vakum terdapat filtrate berupa Kristal putih. Berat Kristal putih yang didapatkan yaitu 3,51 gr.
Untuk percobaan sublimasi kamfer, dilakukan dengan penangas pasir, tujuannya agar panas merata dan temperature tidak naik dengan tajam, sehingga kamfer akan menguap dengan sempurna dengan kristalnya menemperl di kertas saringnya. Didapatkan Kristal seberat 0,02 gr.
VII. Kesimpulan
Dari analisa percobaan dapat di simpulkan bahwa :
- Proses kristalisasi dan sublimasi merupakan salah satu proses pemurnian dengan ketelitian mencapai 100 %.
- Dari percobaan yang dilakukan didapatkan berat Kristal asam benzoate sebesar 3,51 gr.
- Berat Kristal kapur barus di dapat 0,02 gr.
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